Terms of Use
· Travel agency authorised by EOT (Tourist Firms Registry No: 0259Ε70000809900)
· Collection of information about entertainment goods, such as, but not limited to, cultural events (e.g. concerts, theatrical performances, film screenings, museums, etc.), sports events, etc., checking ticket availability and booking and/or purchasing tickets for these events provided by Third Party Providers as well as purchasing products related to the events. · Brokering of insurance services relating to ticket insurance for shows/events. · Mobile telephony airtime renewal codes. · The distribution of the said services by MORE.COM is carried out and/or completed through all the channels of its network, i.e. either from the Website or through other points of presence, physical or otherwise, including points of its partners, in accordance with the instructions, terms and conditions communicated to the user before the purchase is completed. Part of the above services is also provided through a mobile phone application (more.com), in accordance with the instructions communicated to the user at the time of his/her registration in the application, to which the terms and conditions herein apply proportionally.
· The access and/or use of the information provided, the services of MORE.COM and the goods provided by the Third Party Providers, as these services and goods are presented on the Website, regardless of the channel of MORE.COM from which the user chooses to receive them, requires the knowledge and unconditional acceptance of the present terms - General and Special Terms per type of service, as well as the terms of use that the Third Party Providers formulate and communicate to the public and relate to the respective good/service they provide.
· Access to the Website and use of the services provided requires that users have carefully read, understood and unconditionally accepted these terms as a prerequisite for the process of accessing and receiving the services provided.
· MORE.COM reserves the right to modify these terms unilaterally without prior notice to users. Each modified version of these terms is posted on the Website replacing the previous one and is the only one in force at the time. For this reason, users must in any case, before receiving any service through the Website, inform themselves about and, if necessary, re-accept the amended terms.
· Users must be informed of the terms and conditions applicable to the supply of the goods of Third Party Providers they choose, which are displayed and/or provided through the Website. The knowledge and acceptance of these terms and conditions is the responsibility of each user who, before purchasing any goods/services displayed and/or provided on the Website, must inform and accept them through the procedure and in accordance with the conditions formulated, defined and communicated by the Third Party Providers. MORE.COM shall not be liable in this respect, nor shall it be obliged to ensure any procedure for the notification and acceptance of the terms and conditions through the Website, except in the cases and to the extent that this may be required by the applicable legal and regulatory framework.
· If for any reason any user does not accept one or more of these terms of use or the terms of use defined and communicated by either the Third Party Providers or MORE.COM, the user must refrain from using the Website and the services, otherwise all terms shall be presumed to be unconditionally accepted by that user. Partial acceptance of the terms is not possible.
· The services provided by MORE.COM are available online through the Website and through the mobile app "more.com". Access and use of the services that are offered through the Website require an internet connection.
· In addition to the procedure of online access and service provision, MORE.COM offers its users a phone booking option with local charge. These terms apply pro rata to phone bookings and fees for the provided products.
· Users of the services offered through the Website must be 18 years old, have the capacity to perform legal acts and, when acting on behalf of third parties, be duly authorised in that respect.
· The successful completion of service provision through the Website requires that the user discloses and MORE.COM collects and processes information concerning the user that may constitute personal data of the user. Each user of the Website and the services provided through it gives his/her unconditional consent to MORE.COM to collect, use and transmit to Third Party Providers the information required for the provision of the services under the terms and conditions set out below under the term "PRIVACY POLICY ". In the event that any user does not agree to the collection, use, processing and/or transmission of his/her personal data in accordance with these terms, he/she must cease and refrain from using the services, otherwise it shall be presumed that all terms continue to be unconditionally accepted by that user.
· In the event that the user's registration is required for receiving and/or managing the services requested or received from MORE.COM, both the procedure and the data (indicatively but not limited to, and on a case-by-case basis, name, date of birth, e-mail address, Greek mobile phone number, etc.) required each time for the user's registration (sign up) and/or login to his/her electronic account are specified and may be unilaterally modified at the discretion of MORE.COM. Failure to comply with the required procedure and / or input of the requested data may result in the inability to access the online account or the Services.
4. SERVICE "ORDER AND PAYMENT LATER" (Available only for Greece)
· For the majority of the services provided through the Website and the mobile phone application, a reservation option is provided, i.e. prior commitment of available service upon explicit request by the user. The reservation order is binding for the user, who must in any case pay the corresponding price, unless otherwise provided, in accordance with the cancellation procedure applicable to the service chosen by the user, which may have been followed.
· By following the reservation procedure as established and provided in the Website, the user instructs MORE.COM to mediate in the supply of the selected good by the Third Party Provider.
· The confirmation of the reservations is carried out by the Third Party Provider and MORE.COM undertakes to inform the user / client about this confirmation.
· The transaction concerning both the reservation and the supply of the selected good is completed between the user and the Third Party Provider, who finally provides it. Each User must be aware of and unconditionally accept the conditions set by the Third Party Provider in relation to the supply of the goods selected and received and bears the relevant responsibility. In the event of any change in the details of the goods/service (such as, but not limited to, change of date, venue, etc.) selected and reserved by the user, MORE.COM will make every reasonable effort to communicate this change to the user, provided and subject to the condition that it has received relevant information from the relevant Third Party Provider in a timely manner. MORE.COM shall not be liable for any change in the details of the good/service selected and reserved by the user.
· The contact, including any information required under these terms, between MORE.COM and the users of the Website shall be carried out in a valid manner, ordinarily by electronic means and in particular through the e-mail address that the user has communicated to MORE.COM for this purpose.
· Each user must provide MORE.COM with his/her true information, including a valid email address of which he/she is the legitimate user.
· Each user may contact MORE.COM within the opening hours indicated below, electronically by sending an email to support@more.com, or electronically by contacting the customer care department through the Live Chat tool available on the company's website within the hours of 9.00 - 21.00, providing fast and efficient communication between the parties. With regard to tickets for shows/events, there is, in addition, the possibility of communication also through the local billing number 2117700000 to provide a list of services provided.
· The way and means of communication between the User and the Third Party Providers are defined by the latter, according to the terms and means of communication that they formulate and communicate.
· It is noted that the disclosure of incorrect, inaccurate and/or false contact details of the user may lead to the inability and/or refusal to provide the selected service/product and/or to the exclusion of the specific user from the use of the Website and/or the services of MORE.COM and/or the Third Party Providers and, at the same time, to the user's liability for the repayment of the service/product, without excluding further liability for compensation as well as criminal liability.
· Users accept and grant their permission to MORE.COM to disclose and transmit their contact details to the Third Party Providers and to any natural or legal person who needs to know them, in order to complete the provision of the good/service chosen by the user, in accordance with the provisions set out below in the clause "PRIVACY POLICY".
· In case of violation of the present terms, MORE.COM reserves the right to reject the user's reservation by informing him/her of this, and further, any civil and criminal liability of the user is not excluded.
· The prices listed on the Website in relation to each offered good/service constitute the total price for the specific service, the total of all applicable taxes and fees, as well as any fee of MORE.COM for the services provided through the Website, valid at the time of completion of the booking, otherwise at the time of completion of the transaction, unless otherwise specifically stated on the Website.
· The cost of each good offered through the Website is determined by the respective Third Party Provider and is communicated together with applicable taxes and fees to MORE.COM. MORE.COM shall not be liable for the determination and/or changes in these prices.
· The above mentioned prices listed may be modified by MORE.COM even after the completion of the booking process, provided that the Third Party Provider who formulated and communicated the specific price makes a relevant modification and notification. In any case, it is noted that any price changes after the confirmation of the booking are made only in exceptional cases and are mainly due to an increase in the applicable taxes, fees and/or duties.
· The price of each good/service is paid in the manner disclosed on the Website. Payment can be made by payment card of the specific type or types mentioned on the Website, such as, but not limited to, Google Pay, Viva.com or Apple Pay, while for most of the MORE.COM services in Greece, payment by payment card and cash at physical points of sale is also possible, according to the instructions and conditions disclosed by MORE.COM to the user.
· The payment card holder's details are automatically transmitted to the Payment Service Provider cooperating with MORE.COM, which executes the card billing transaction in case of commission of all services provided.
· In the case of a reservation, MORE.COM may use the user's payment card details as security for the reservation, reserving the right to take any action to charge the card with the cancellation fees that may be applicable to the specific good for which the reservation was made, or else with the price of the good, in accordance with these terms and conditions and/or the terms and conditions of the Third Party Provider providing the good.
· Each user must use a payment card of which he/she is the legitimate holder and/or authorised user. In the event that a third party payment card is used, a specific written authorisation or consent of the legitimate holder is required.
· For security reasons, MORE.COM is entitled to reject the user's order and the issue of tickets may not be completed or to cancel the transaction or the provision of the goods/service. MORE.COM is entitled to request at any time, in the context of the provision and billing of services, the presentation by any user of any data that it deems necessary (e.g. copy of Identity Card or Passport and/or payment card, proof of residence address, etc.), in order to identify the data of the user of the services with those of the holder of the payment card used, but also for any other reason deemed necessary by MORE.COM in the context of the provision of the services. Any documents that cannot be sent electronically shall be sent in paper form to the headquarters of MORE.COM.
· In case the user chooses to purchase services available from MORE.COM or book products/services with subsequent payment through a Payment Service Provider of Law 4537/2018 (including Banks, Electronic Money Institutions, but also physical points of sale/stores operating as Electronic Money Institutions Agents, in accordance with the provisions of Law 4537/2018), these Providers may charge the User/Payer with transaction fees, according to their respective commercial policy, regardless of the means or method of payment chosen by the User (i.e. cash or card or through the Banks participating in the DIAS DEBIT service supporting payments through Cashier, Internet Banking, Phone Banking and ATMs). The transaction fees, as applicable, are communicated to the User before the completion of the transaction.
· Each Third Party Provider is solely responsible for defining the possibility and process for cancellation or changing the reservation or supply of a good/service it provides, in accordance with the terms and conditions it determines and publishes in relation to the goods/services it provides.
· The user who may wish to cancel or modify his/her reservation or the goods or services provided must send his/her request as soon as possible directly to the event organizer (whose details are posted on the page of each event), in the case of show tickets, and to support@more.com, in the case of ferry tickets. If there is a possibility of cancellation or modification, according to the policy and conditions of the Third Party Provider, which the Third Party Provider exclusively decides and establishes, the User will be informed accordingly and these conditions will be applied, as regards both the amount that may be refunded and the amount that may be withheld as a cancellation fee. In addition to this amount, MORE.COM may charge the applicable cancellation or modification costs of the reservation or goods, as defined per product and published on the Website.
· It is noted that the fee/commission of MORE.COM for completing the booking or supplying the goods is non-refundable.
· In case of automatic rejection of the booking for security reasons, the refund is made immediately to the user.
· In case of cancellation of the transaction for security reasons, the refund is made to the user according to the rules of the International Card Schemes.
· MORE.COM does not guarantee or certify, expressly or implicitly, nor does it undertake any responsibility for the correctness, accuracy and clarity of the information posted on the Website, including the prices and quality of goods/services, since this information is provided for publication by third parties, especially by Third Party Providers, who must comply with the Community Guidelines, and confirmation and/or control of the same by MORE.COM as to the above is not and could not be possible. For this reason, MORE.COM bears no responsibility in this regard, and reserves the right to make corrections, updates and/or any other changes to the information in question, free of charge, if requested by the information provider and/or with its consent, even if the correction, update or change concerns and/or affects pending reservations. In any event, if you become aware of any listing or content that may violate the Community Guidelines or the MORE.COM Terms of Use, please contact us immediately by email at report@more.com describing the event or content that you believe does not comply with the Community Guidelines. We will review each report and, depending on its nature, may contact you.
· MORE.COM does not guarantee or bear any responsibility for the displayed availability of the goods provided, but shows the specific information on the Website as communicated by the Third Party Provider.
· MORE.COM does not guarantee or certify, expressly or implicitly, nor does it bear any responsibility for the adequacy, suitability, quality, availability of the goods/services provided by the Third Party Providers, as well as for any acts or omissions of the Third Party Providers in the context of their cooperation with MORE.COM and/or the fulfilment of the provision to the users that may give rise to claims for compensation for any reason whatsoever. In any case, MORE. COM shall not be liable towards users or any third party for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage (whether positive or consequential), including, without limitation, liability for: loss of profits, loss of revenue or profits, loss of opportunity, loss of business, loss of anticipated savings, loss of reputation, loss or destruction of data and in general for any other loss or damage of any kind and for any reason whatsoever, arising out of or relating to access to and/or use of the Website and the goods obtained through it.
· In any case, any dispute that may arise between the user and MORE.COM can be resolved amicably through the electronic dispute resolution platform of the European Commission (https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/?event=main.home.show) and its certified -in accordance with the terms of Directive 2013/11/EU- alternative dispute resolution bodies and INDEPENDENT AUTHORITY "Consumer's Ombudsman" (http://www.synigoroskatanaloti.gr).
· The official opening hours of the MORE.COM headquarters and customer service are from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) from 10:00 to 18:00. Provision of information, customer service on any matter (including ticket changes and cancellations) or any other activity is provided only through the aforementioned channels/means of communication and within the aforementioned hours and not by physical presence from the MORE.COM offices.
· The operating hours of the Ticket Cancellation/Change Department are from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00 (excluding public holidays). Requests regarding ticket changes / cancellations can be processed exclusively within these hours.
· For any customer request submitted outside the hours mentioned above by any means (e.g. via e-mail or Live Chat), the date of receipt will be considered as the immediately following working day, depending on the type of request and based on the operating hours of the relevant department serving it, as mentioned in the above paragraphs.
· From time to time, MORE.COM carries out promotional activities providing various offers to consumers in the form of gifts (e.g. discount coupons, free access to specific services, etc.)
· The gifts are provided in accordance with the specific features, conditions and/or restrictions that will be described each time on the www.more.com website or in any other promotional material (e.g. social media, etc.). Under no circumstances is the gift redeemable for money or otherwise.
· MORE.COM may, at its discretion, change the specific features, terms and/or restrictions under which it provides the gifts, without prior notice and without the consent/agreement of the users.
· The user may choose whether he/she wishes to receive from third parties/event organizers informative messages about their products and services, as well as relevant offers and/or announcements, by providing his/her consent by selecting the corresponding field. MORE.COM bears no responsibility for the content of the above informative messages sent by third parties / event organizers.
MORE.COM reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions unilaterally at any time.
12. PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION In the context of using the services of the Website and in order to provide the best and safest experience, MORE.COM collects, processes and discloses the absolutely necessary personal data of the user. The management of the user's personal data is governed by these terms, the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy, which we recommend that our Users read in order to be informed in detail about the procedures we follow regarding the protection of their personal data.
B. Special Terms of Travel & Transportation Services
For any request to change or cancel tickets, the user should submit the request electronically through the Live Chat tool available on the company's website as soon as possible. In the case of tickets purchased through the website (online), the user should submit his request to MORE.COM exclusively through the aforementioned procedure. . Note: In the case where the user has made the purchase of tickets through the Website, but has submitted the request for change or cancellation directly to the ferry company, MORE.COM has no further involvement in the satisfaction of this request and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage, loss of profit, loss of revenue or profits, loss of opportunity, loss of business, loss of expected savings, loss of reputation, loss or destruction of data and in general for any other loss or damage to the user of any kind and for any reason whatsoever. For the actions that will need to be taken by MORE.COM to process requests for changes/cancellations, the published charges apply in addition to the possible charge that the ferry company will set for the specific change/cancellation. In many cases, ferry companies may have set an additional charge depending on the type of fare of the ticket. Also, the fare of the ticket may not be subject to any change or cancellation at all. In cases of ticket cancellations, the time to refund the user depends on the process of returning the printed tickets, after the cancellation of the tickets, and generally takes between 2 and 3 days. The Cancellations/Changes Department is open from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00 (see in detail above paragraph "OFFICE OPERATING HOURS - CUSTOMER SERVICE"). IMPORTANT NOTE: The registration of the request does not automatically imply its implementation. In order to complete the process, the following must be done: A customer service representative will process your request. If a cancellation/change is possible, you will be sent an email with the amount of the refund you are entitled to and/or additional instructions. Once you accept the cost by responding to the email, the changes will be completed. If cancellation/change is not possible, an email will be sent to you with reasons.
B. Special Terms for the Purchase of Event Tickets
4. CHANGE & CANCELLATION PROCESS – REFUND Each Third Party Provider is solely responsible for defining the possibility and process for cancelling or changing a reservation or provision of a good/service that it provides, in accordance with the terms and conditions that it defines and publishes to the public. As a rule, the possibility of cancellation is not provided, while in the case of any change, if and when provided as an option by the Third Party Provider, it is usually possible within a certain period of time before the date of the event chosen by the user. Users, if they wish, may request in writing from MORE.COM prior to their purchase information on the changes and cancellation policy of the Third Party Provider concerned. The User who may wish to cancel or modify his/her reservation or the goods procured from the Website may contact the customer service department of MORE.COM either by email at support@more.com or electronically by communicating through the Live Chat tool available on the Company's website. If there is the possibility of cancellation or modification, in accordance with the Third Party Provider's policies and conditions, the User will be informed of this and these conditions will apply, both in terms of the amount that may be refunded and the amount that may be withheld as a cancellation fee. In this context, the User may need to contact the Third Party directly. Since, as mentioned in paragraph 1.2 above, MORE.COM does not collect the transaction fee for the booking and ticketing of Third Party Providers, it cannot refund consumers for any reason, and consumers cannot have any such claim from MORE.COM. Any claims by users of the service (i.e. consumers) may be submitted directly to the Third Party Provider who has received the fee. According to Law 2251/1994 on "Consumer Protection" as it is currently in force, and in particular with regard to the provisions on distance contracts (e.g. via internet or telephone), the right of withdrawal within the meaning of this law is explicitly excluded, inter alia, for services related to leisure activities, if the contract provides for a specific date or deadline for performance. Consequently, the above exception also covers tickets for all types of events and leisure activities made available via the website, for which users have no right of withdrawal. .
D. Special terms for “Streaming” events
Users of prepaid mobile telecommunication products can purchase top-up codes through the MORE.COM network (either via the website or through other points of sale, physical or not, owned or partnered, including its sub-agents. The value of the codes is determined exclusively by the mobile networks. The purchase of the codes can be made using the available payment methods supported by MORE.COM, depending on the distribution channels for the codes provided to the buyers. The user, following the instructions given at the time of the purchase, activates their code on the selected mobile network, so that the purchased value is transferred to their mobile phone. The consumption of the talk time corresponding on the service/product chosen by the user is carried out according to the Terms and Conditions set by the respective mobile network selected by the user.
3. Disclaimer of Liability MORE.COM, as mentioned above, operates as a reseller of the codes provided by the mobile network operators and is responsible for their secure storage and right delivery to users who request these specific services/goods/products. Consequently, MORE.COM takes no responsibility for the content of the services/goods/products themselves. In the event of any issue with the provided services/goods/products, the user should contact their Telecommunications/Mobile Network Provider. In such cases, MORE.COM will provide any information requested to resolve any potential issues that may arise. The user is solely responsible for the code obtained from MORE.COM, and MORE.COM assumes no responsibility for any damage that may occur to the user/buyer in the event of loss of the code or its use by a Third Party, whether authorised or not. Force Majeure: The delivery of the requested services/products/goods, to the user is contingent, among other things, on the use of telecommunication networks and infrastructure of third-party providers, which are beyond the control of MORE.COM. MORE.COM is not responsible for any delay in the delivery of the requested services/products/goods, to the user due to causes beyond its control or due to force majeure. Examples of force majeure include, but are not limited to, wars (declared or undeclared), strikes, accidents, fires, floods, storms, earthquakes or other natural phenomena, terrorist acts, sabotage, interruptions or malfunctions in the public telecommunications network or in the third-party telecommunications network, etc. E. Creating an Account on the Website 1. Creating an Account 1.1. If the user chooses to create an account, the information they provide on the Website during the account creation process includes: First Name, last name and email address. Alternatively, the user can create an account on the Website using an existing account with a Third Party provider (e.g., Google, Gmail, Facebook, etc.). 1.2. After the account is created, the user may, at its discretion, provide additional information such as date of birth, phone number, residential address and a photo. 1.3. When creating an account, the user is required to provide accurate, up-to-date and truthful information. 1.4. Account creation is completed by confirming the user’s account via email and selecting a password, unless the account creation was done through a third-party provider. 1.5 The user is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their password and must not share it with third parties. In case of leakage, there is an option to recover the password by entering the email address provided by the user. Under no circumstances is MORE.COM responsible for the use of the password by authorised individuals.
2. Use of Account 2.1. By completing the account creation and using it, the user accepts and agrees to all the terms of use and policies of the Website. 2.2. The user is committed to using their account responsibly and in accordance with all applicable legal requirements. 2.3. In the event of any breach of the Terms of Use and policies of the Website, MORE.COM reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to delete the user’s account from the Website at any time, without any prior notice to the user. MORE.COM may exercise this right in cases of use of abusive or offensive language by the user, provision of misleading, inaccurate, or false information, or unauthorised use of payment methods. If the user’s account has been deleted, re-creation of the account may only be permitted at the discretion of MORE.COM. 2.4. The user is responsible for promptly updating the Website with any changes to their personal information, as mentioned above in Section 1.1.
3. Account Deletion 3.1. The user may submit a request to delete their account at any time via the Website. 3.2 Deletion of the account may require user identification through the email address used for the registration. 3.3 Once the account deletion is completed, it cannot be undone, and the user cannot recover their account. Account deletion can only be reversed during the confirmation process. 3.4. The retention and deletion of data, in the event of an account deletion request, are described in the Privacy and Security Policy. 4. Change of Terms and Monitoring these Changes.
F. Subscription Packages for Services/Products