INANIMATO - Online Mystery Game
In the middle of the 17th century, Lorena, Plethon and Cleopa binded their lives forever through a prophecy, which said, "When the bodies that have bled and have united forever, walk together again on earth, then all three souls will be able to be reborn through their doubles."
Two different worlds.
Six lives united forever.
You are called to unlock the mystery and help Ariadne ,in the 21st century, to understand what is happening. Does magic exist?
Is it possible for all these to hapen? Will you be able to get away or will you be forever trapped in the passage of the two worlds?
If you believe this is just a game you better stop here...
Hurry up! Time passes!
Play HERE : :
Dates and times of Entry : on-demand on the webside
(e-ticket) : 14,99 ευρώ